Hello world, new blog

After the positive response I received to my live blogging at Mind and Life XXVI, which came through despite needing to wrestle most of it out through the Facebook iPhone app, I decided to start a real blog. I was pleased to find that the publication form of my name, David M. Perlman, was available as davidmperlman.com. (Don't know why I never before thought to look.) And here is my new WordPress.com blog.

I manually copied all of the substantive posts off my Facebook timeline into WordPress. I also backdated them to the dates they were displaying, which were in the range of January 18-21. The times were not readily available but this is not meant to be exact. I also did not copy cute pictures and such, only the rather more academic bloviations.

At the present time this is not completely set up but over time this will be a receptacle for writings on my own research, and comments on others' research, in my fields of functional neuroimaging and contemplative neuroscience, as well as big-picture thoughts on the contemporary scientific process and community, and perhaps occasionally very-big-picture thoughts about society.

More to come soon. Wish me well!